Friday, January 14, 2011

My Blue Period

I find myself consumed with navy blue lately.  I recently got a new sofa for my downstairs living room that is a pale, smokey grayish-blue linen, and I am searching for navy blue fabrics to use as accent pillows.  I am thinking a solid, inky dark navy blue in a very decadent fabric, such as mohair, and then cording the pillow with a caramel colored leather to draw on the rich blue and brown colors of the room.  My navy blue fabric search is a bit more elusive than I was anticipating.  There are many choices in black/noir and many blue fabrics, but the blues are overwhelmingly in the light to medium blue spectrum.  I vow to keep you updated on my search!  Meanwhile, please enjoy these luscious navy blue rooms.

From top to bottom: Photo via Victoria Hagan Interiors, Photo via Miles Redd, Photo via Jan Showers Decorpad,  Photo via Miles Redd, Photo via House and Garden, Photo via Elle Decor, Photo via Christina Murphy Interiors, Both Photos via SR Gambrel


  1. How do you off set navy from being too nautical looking in a room?

  2. Great question! Punch it up with another color - like a shot of emerald green, coral or pink. If you like a neutral palette chocolate brown and caramel are very chic with navy. Add a layer of pattern like a bold floral, geometric or ethnic print.
