Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anthropolgie Bridal

When I was getting married one of the things i was most excited about was looking for a wedding dress.  I LOVE fashion, and I was so excited to try on dresses and sparkly belts and jewelry.  Well...the dress search was quite a let down.  I only had about six months between my engagement and my wedding day so a few of the bridal shop owners were rather snippy with me and told me many of the dresses just would not be available in that time frame.  I also discovered that wedding dresses, just like couture fashion, have trends and seasons so you are somewhat at the mercy for what is trendy at that given time.  The dead of winter was not the optimal time to look for a dress by the way.  I did end up with a very lovely dress and I do think of it fondly now (it still hangs in it's bag on the guest bedroom closet door).  But oh if only Anthropologie had launched their bridal line a few years ago I think my search would have been a much more delightful experience!  Recently launched, I couldn't wait to share with you some of  of my favorite pieces:)  (Even if you have already had your wedding day there are some lovely dresses for parties or other special occasions and the jewelry and accessories are exquisite!)

Check out these and more chic looks here!


  1. I added this same post to the inspiration section of Blossoms blog… I'll admit, I was slightly let down by the gowns but I think the bridesmaid dresses are pretty cute, not to mention the accessories!

  2. what is the link for the blossoms blog - do you have it up and running?
