Friday, February 11, 2011

Defining Your Style

Sounds simple, but defining your style can be difficult to articulate.  Most of us probably don't fit perfectly into one category - cottage, deco, modern, french, traditional.  Most of us probably feel comfortable with a blend of multiple different styles.  The best place to start is by checking out design magazines, books and blogs and start a collection of photos that resonate with you.  After you have spent some time gathering images take a look and you will likely see themes start to emerge.  Identify words that represent the images and start a list.  Below are some images I have collected that I keep coming back to as favorites.  I would say that they all share a neutral color palette, luxe textures such as leathers, silk and linen, patterns are used sparingly and are comprised of stripes and geometrics.  These rooms have very angular, clean lines which is associated with a more masculine feel.  Most of these rooms have an element of shine which I think adds a bit of glamour though glass, lucite, crystal, mirrors, chrome or lacquer finishes.

 Kerry Delrose
Kerry Delrose
Suzanne Kasler

 Chris Kraig via Elle Decor
SR Gambrel via Elle Decor

Aerin Lauder's Home Office in the Hamptons via Elle Decor
via Elle Decor (I would probably swap some cashmere thows for the fur)

Sourcing - Kerry Delrose tends to use a lot of Ralph Lauren furniture which I just can't get enough of.  Williams Sonoma Home has pieces with a similar feel to Ralph Lauren.  Suzanne Kasler has a line of furnishings through Hickory Chair.  

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