Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Feeding the Home Magazine Fix

For those of you who lamented the loss of Domino Magazine as I did, spirits were lifted when a former Domino editor launched Lonny the amazing online (and free!) magazine.  As other beloved interior magazines have folded (House & Garden) I am finding myself with dwindling sources for my home fashion fix.  That is when I really discovered the world of blogs dedicated to homes and interiors.  There are so many amazing bloggers out there who have been dedicated to exposing us to fresh ideas and beautiful photos.  Some of these bloggers have come together and launched a new online magazine called High Gloss.  Yet another treat for my eyes and a beautiful (and free!) way to get my home fashion fix on.  For those of you in the Raleigh area local blogger and shop owner , Jamie from Furbish, is featured in this debut issue:)

and for those of you who are magazine addicts like myself see below for some lovely storage ideas for keeping those little beauties organized:)

Magazine Butler via West Elm

I am typically drawn to anything associated with Thomas O'Brien and this lovely Rattan Tray from his Target Collection is no exception.  This tray sits on my coffee table corralling my Elle Decors, House Beautifuls and remotes.
I envision these lovelies in my office-in-progress holding anything from magazines to ribbons to stationary!

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